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As of March 3, 2015, the Felmers O. Chaney Advocacy Board (FCAB) is an independent body and is not affiliated with the Wisconsin Department of Corrections or any other governmental body or institution. FCAB is an advocacy board comprised of private citizens guided by a shared concern for social justice, corrections policy, and the successful re-entry of former inmates as they return to their communities. All documents on this site pre-dating March 3, 2015 are historical and in reference to FCAB’s prior incarnation as a Wisconsin Department of Corrections affiliated citizens advisory board. Click on the History tab for a chronology of the evolution of the Board.




1.1. Name. The name of the association is Felmers 0. Chaney Advocacy Board (hereinafter also referred to as FCAB and the "Board").

1.2. Powers. Working within a framework of democratic consensus, the affairs of FCAB shall be managed by FCAB.

1.3. Duration. The period of duration of FCAB is perpetual.

1.4. Principal Meeting Place. The principal meeting place of FCAB is located at Marquette University Law School in Eckstein Hall at 1215 W. Michigan St., in the City of Milwaukee, County of Milwaukee, State of Wisconsin, 53233.

1.5. Other Meeting Places. FCAB may have meeting places other than the principal meeting place, either within or without the State of Wisconsin, as FCAB may determine from time to time.

1.6. Meeting Times. Unless otherwise required, continual efforts will be made to ensure that FCAB meetings last no longer than ninety (90) minutes, commencing, at 5:30p.m., and ending by 7:00p.m.



2.1. Purpose, Goals, and Mission. The object and purpose of this Board is to advocate in behalf of reducing recidivism, enhancing ex-offender re-integration, and lowering state budget costs due to incarceration. Additionally, FCAB is dedicated to disseminating to the lay public and to decision-makers pertinent information that can assist in achieving those goals, and it serves as a contact point with the community at large to share information and respond to issues that are brought to the Board's attention. FCAB seeks also to be vigilant in its cognizance of the safety, needs, and related concerns of residents of the Milwaukee metropolitan community, in particular, and to promote policies and procedures that are harmonious with all of FCAB' s aforementioned goals.

2.2. Mission Management. FCAB shall achieve its goals by maintaining a continual awareness of the conditions, needs, and concerns of individuals incarcerated or formerly incarcerated by the Wisconsin Department of Corrections, in particular, as well as of incarcerated individuals or formerly incarcerated individuals, in general, and it shall maintain continual awareness of the safety, needs, and other concerns of residents of the Milwaukee Metropolitan Community as well as, more broadly, societal residents of the United States, and these goals shall be achieved by coordination of FCAB' s activities within a framework of FCAB approval and, where appropriate, in conjunction with affiliated organizations, voluntary associations, and other organizational entities having a similar purpose. All of FCAB's activities shall be conducted in a manner consistent with, and in compliance with, the purpose, objectives, and limitations as set forth, herein, in the instant article (Article II).



3.1. Number. FCAB shall consist of no more than twenty-five (25) voting members, and no less than fifteen (15) voting members.

3.2. Eligibility. Any individual who resides within Milwaukee's Primary Metropolitan Statistical Area (PMSA) is eligible for FCAB voting membership. No individual who is eligible for membership shall be denied membership on the basis of race, gender, income, age, sexual preference, disability, national origin, creed, color, marital status, arrest record, or conviction record.

3.3. Qualifications. FCAB members shall have, individually, as basic personal qualifications, intelligence, integrity, competence, good moral character, an interest in correctional issues, and a willingness and availability to serve FCAB, its purpose, objectives, and mission.

3.4. Members. FCAB standing members shall serve as voting members of FCAB; serve on committees as appointed; have ad hoc and other duties that assist FCAB in achieving its objectives; and be expected to attend all FCAB meetings. All FCAB voting members shall serve FCAB in their individual capacities: No voting members serve FCAB in their professional capacities.

3.5. Associate Members. FCAB associate members shall be non-voting members of FCAB who are expected to assist FCAB from time to time on a pro tempore basis to achieve FCAB's purpose and goals as same are identified herein in Section 2.01. Associate members are eligible to serve on committees as appointed, but are not expected to attend all meetings of the Board. Associate members are expected to be opinion leaders, either lay or professional, such as community advocates, religious leaders, politicians, or others possessing special expertise or organizational affiliations useful to the accomplishment of FCAB's purpose and goals, such as, but not limited to, research social scientists, foundation officials, professional fundraisers, and grant persons. Associate members are not required to reside within Milwaukee's PMSA. Associate members may be removed from FCAB by a simple majority vote.

3.6. Affiliated Members. FCAB affiliated members include organizations or coalitions with missions that are compatible with one or more of the goals of FCAB as said goals are identified herein in Section 2.0 1. FCAB will not affiliate with any entity that discriminates on the basis of race, gender, age, sexual preference, religion, disability, national origin, or arrest and/or conviction record. FCAB shall designate a member of the Board or members to serve as an active liaison to the affiliated member. FCAB may approve an organizational/coalition-affiliated membership upon a simple majority vote, or remove existing organizational/coalition-members by a simple majority vote. Sherman Park Community Association shall be a perpetual affiliated member of FCAB.

3.7. Resignation. Any FCAB voting member, or associate member, may resign at any time by giving notice to FCAB, or to any of the officers of FCAB. Such resignation shall take effect upon the time specified by the resigning member or, if no time is specified, upon receipt of the notice of resignation. Acceptance by FCAB shall not be required for the resignation to be effective.

3.8. Removal. (A.) FCAB members may be removed for acts that are clearly in conflict with the purpose and goals of FCAB or whenever, in the judgment of FCAB, the best interests of FCAB will be served thereby. In such cases, excluding ex officio and associate members, a two-thirds (2/3rds) majority of the members present at any regular or special FCAB meeting, presuming a quorum, must recommend this action, and the recommendation must be accompanied by at least thirty (30) days advance notice to all voting members of the meeting place, time and date, at which the removal decision will be made. Presuming a quorum, a simple majority of the voting members at the noticed meeting shall be sufficient for removal of the member. (B.) FCAB members, excluding ex officio and associate members, may be subject to removal after three consecutive absences from FCAB meetings and FCAB members also may be subject to removal for attendance, deemed by the Board as being adversely irregular, upon a two-thirds (2/3rds) vote of the members present at the meeting in which the removal action is being considered, presuming a quorum.

3.9. Vacancies. A vacancy resulting from a voting or associate member's death, resignation, removal, disqualification, or otherwise, may be filled by FCAB. (A.) The qualifications for FCAB membership of a prospective FCAB voting member shall be presented to FCAB by an existing member of FCAB, following which the prospective member shall appear before FCAB for interviewing purposes by FCAB. Presuming a quorum, acceptance by FCAB shall require a simple majority vote. (B.) The qualifications for FCAB membership of a prospective associate member shall be presented to FCAB by an existing member of FCAB without the requirement of an appearance by the prospective associate member for interviewing purposes. Presuming a quorum, acceptance by FCAB shall require a simple majority vote.




4.1. Regular Meetings. Regular meetings of FCAB shall be held six (6) times per year, or as needed, with notice of such place and hour as may be fixed from time to time by Board resolution.

4.2. Special Meetings. Special meetings of FCAB shall be held when called by the chairman, or by any two members, including ex officio members, after not less than a three-day notice to each FCAB member.

4.3. Notice. The Secretary of FCAB, at the end of a calendar year, may publish, or cause to be published, an annual listing of FCAB's meeting dates for the succeeding year that states the hour and place of the meetings. The listing may be distributed to FCAB members at a regularly scheduled FCAB meeting.

4.4. Quorum, Mail Ballots, and Proxy Votes. A quorum for the transaction of business is achieved when seven voting members are present at any FCAB meeting but, unless than such quorum is present at a meeting, agenda items may be discussed as non-actionable items. Voting members may attend any meeting by way of telephone conference call. Voting members also may attend any meeting by way of having submitted a signed mail ballot, or by having granted a proxy vote to another member who is in attendance, provided that said proxy is in writing and signed. Oral proxies are acceptable if announced to FCAB by the member granting the proxy prior to the member leaving the meeting at which action will be taken. Regarding board meetings involving mail ballots, or proxy votes, no items of business, save those involving the item or items voted upon by members via mail ballot or proxy may be formally acted upon if a quorum is not physically present at the meeting of the Board. Action items, not involving board meetings, may be decided solely by mail ballot whenever a sufficient number of votes are cast by mail balloting.

4.5. In Absentia Voting. Any action that may be taken at a meeting of the Board may be taken without a Board meeting if a consent, or ballot, setting forth the actions so taken, shall be signed by a sufficient number of voting members then in office.

4.6. Conduct of Meeting. The chairman, and in his/her absence, the 1st vice chairman, and in his/her absence, the 2nd vice chairman, and in his/her absence, the 2nd secretary, and in his/her absence, any voting member chosen by the voting members present, shall call to order the meeting of FCAB, and act as the chair of the meeting. The 1st secretary of the Board shall act as secretary of all meetings of the Board but, in the absence of the 1st secretary, the presiding officer may appoint any member, or other person present, to act as secretary pro tempore of the meeting.

4.7. Attendance. Members are expected to attend all FCAB meetings and meetings of any committees on which they serve. Non-compliance with this provision , on a regular basis, may be a basis for removal from the Board, pursuant to Sections 3.09(A) or 3.09(B) of these by-laws or, pursuant to the instant section [Section 4.07], from a committee. The failure of a member to attend three consecutive meetings of a committee to which he or she has been voluntarily assigned may result in removal from said committee by a majority vote of the Board . At meetings where a quorum is achieved with just seven members, a majority vote is constituted by four members. Upon written request, filed with the secretary, of a committee member so removed, the Board, by affirmative vote of a majority of members, may reinstate such former committee member to committee membership on such terms as the Board may deem appropriate.



5.1. Number. The principal officers of the Board shall be a chairman, p.t. vice-chairman, 2nd vice-chairman, 1st secretary, 2nd secretary, and 1st and 2nd treasurer. The Board may have other officers or assistant officers as the Board may from time to time elect. Any two or more of said offices may be held by the same person, except that the offices of chairman, 1st vice-chairman, and 2nd vice-chairman, may not be held by the same person, the offices of chairman, 1st and 2nd secretary, may not be held jointly, and the treasurer may not simultaneously hold the office of chairman .

5.2. The Chairman. The chairman shall be the executive officer of the board, and a voting member of the Board. S/he shall preside over all meetings of the Board, appoint Board members, subject to Board approval, and, with at least one other officer, co-sign all contracts, if any, for the Board. Subject to the control of the Board, s/he shall perform all duties incident to the office of chairman, and such other duties as may be prescribed by the Board from time to time. Additionally, the chairman shall maintain the original set of all important FCAB records by electronic or other means.

5.3. The Vice-Chairmen. The 1st vice-chairman shall assume all duties of the office of the chairman in the absence, disability, or refusal to act, of the chairman. The 1st vice-chairman shall assume the office of chairman should it be vacated. The 2nd vice-chairman shall assume all duties of the office of the chairman in the absence, disability, or refusal to act, of the chairman and 1st vice­ chairman. The 2nd vice-chairman shall assume the office of chairman should it be vacated.

5.4. The Secretaries. The 1st secretary shall take, or cause to be taken, the minutes and attendance records of Board meetings and Executive Committee meetings, at their respective meetings. The 1st secretary shall keep or arrange for the keeping of a register of the post office address and other contact information of each member of the Board. The 1st secretary shall be a custodian of all important records of FCAB and shall cause to be maintained a duplicate set of all records of FCAB, said records to be maintained on whatever premises serve as his or her office. The 2nd secretary shall assume all duties of the office of the 1st secretary in the absence, disability, or refusal to act, of the 1st secretary. Either secretary may be an ex officio member of the Board.

5.5. The Treasurers. The 1st treasurer shall have charge and custody of and be responsible for all funds of the Board. The treasurer, or the treasurer's designee, shall: (1) Receive receipts for monies payable by the Board, or give receipts for monies due to the Board, from any source, whatsoever, and deposit any monies due to the Board, in such banks, trust companies, or other depositories as shall be selected by the Board in accordance with the provisions of these by-laws; (2) Keep books or account(s) as required by the Board's funding sources; (3) Work in conjunction with the Board either via an ad hoc finance committee. if such ad hoc committee has been created by the Board or, if created by the Board, via a standing finance committee; (4) Prepare budgets and statements of income and expenditure as required, from time to time, by the Board, or chairman of the Board; and (5) The treasurer shall, in general, perform all of the duties incident to the office of the treasurer and have such other duties and exercise such other authority as from time to time may be delegated or assigned by the Board's chairman, in accordance with the provisions of these by-laws, or by the Board. The 2nd treasurer shall assume all duties of the office of 1st treasurer in the absence, disability, or refusal to act of the 1st treasurer. Nothing in these by­ laws, however, shall be construed as preventing the 1st and 2nd treasurers from working together, on a continual basis and, in fact, the 1st and 2nd treasurers are encouraged to work together on an ongoing, joint basis, in the discharge of duties incident to this office.



6.1. Committee Composition and Charge. All committees will be chaired by an FCAB voting member selected by the chairman of FCAB. Volunteers who are not FCAB members may serve on committees. The first charge to each committee, where appropriate, is to create an agenda for the year that reflects FCAB's priorities, and to present same to FCAB for approval. The chair of each committee or said chair's delegate will submit progress reports, from time to time, or as requested either by the chairman or the Board.

6.2. Executive Committee. The Executive Committee, composed of the officers of FCAB, shall conduct the business of the Board between Board meetings. Associate members may be appointed by the chairman to serve on Executive Committee on an ex officio basis. All actions taken between meetings shall be reported no later than the next Board meeting.

6.3. Technology Committee. The Technology Committee is charged with maintaining and managing FCAB's website by keeping the website operating fluidly, suggesting website innovations to FCAB, and by keeping all content that appears on the website current.

6.4. Contributions Committee. The Contributions Committee, in conjunction with FCAB's treasurer, shall collect dues from all members of FCAB and deposit, or cause to be deposited, those dues in such banks, trust companies, or other depositories as shall be selected by the Board in accordance with the provisions of these by-laws. The amount of dues assessed of each member shall be equal and as set by majority vote of FCAB. The Committee shall maintain a record of the status of each FCAB member's payments that will be available, upon request, by any member of FCAB. The Committee shall also recommend methods by which to improve or regularize the management of dues collection.

6.5. Media Relations Committee. A Media Relations Committee may be appointed by the chair, from time to time, as deemed necessary by the Board, for the purpose of drafting and seeking to publicize , subject to Board approval, informational news releases about the activities of FCAB, including the publications of FCAB and/or other publications related to local, metropolitan, state­ wide and national concerns, and criminal justice and correctional issues deemed of importance by the Board. Demographic reports focused on matters that are related directly or indirectly to criminal justice and correctional issues, as consistent with Section 2.01, are especially pertinent.

6.6. Nominations Committee. The Nominations Committee is responsible for matters pertaining to the recruitment of members, their orientation, motivation, and evaluation, in accordance both with the pursuit of objectives as specified in Section 2.01 and/or with those established policies and practices as approved by FCAB. Additionally, the Nominations Committee shall study the composition of the Board, having in mind the optimum breadth of talents, skills, and capacity to assume all aspects of the Board's success, and develop and review the procedures for Board recruitment and evaluation. Notwithstanding the ability of any FCAB member to nominate candidates, excluding ex officio members, for Board membership, this committee shall identify, recommend, and recruit candidates to replace resigned or removed members for election as members of the Board, and present the qualifications of candidates to the Board.

6.7. Cheers Committee. The purpose of the Cheers Committee is to support the members of FCAB in times of need including bereavement, illness, injury or other hardship. It is responsible for sending messages of condolences in the event of tragedies or whenever deemed necessary. The Cheers Committee also provides floral arrangements, candies, fruits, or other items of generosity designed to express FCAB's concern for the purpose of enhancing the recipient's morale and, thereby, the Board's morale. The Cheers Committee also shall remain continually vigilant in observing and assessing the morale of the organization.

6.8. Additional Committees. There shall be such other and ad hoc committees as FCAB, from time to time, may deem necessary.



7.1. Process. FCAB's by-laws may be amended in accordance with Section 4.05 of these by-laws, or at any regular or special meeting of the Board by a 2/3rds vote of the standing board members present at the meeting in which the amendment is being considered, presuming a quorum and, when enacted, must be incorporated into the existing by-laws with a dated reference to the Board action. Any and all amendments sought by mail ballot require a 2/3rds vote by all FCAB members who are designated at the time of balloting as voting members.

7.2 Implied Amendments. Any action taken or authorized by FCAB that would be inconsistent with the by-laws then in effect but is taken or authorized by affirmative vote of not less than the number of members required to amend the by-laws, so that the by-laws would be consistent with such action, shall be given the same effect as though the by-laws had been temporarily amended or suspended, but only so far as is necessary to permit the specific action so taken or authorized.



8.1. Compensation of Members. No member shall receive compensation for any service rendered to FCAB as a member but, by resolution of the Board, any member may be reimbursed for actual expenses incurred in the performance of his or her duties as a member of the Board. Nothing herein contained shall be construed to preclude any member from serving the Board in any other capacity and receiving compensation for said service.



9.1. Duality of Interest. Any member or volunteer committee member, having a material financial interest in a contract, or other transaction, involving FCAB, presented to FCAB, or a committee thereof, for authorization, approval, or ratification, shall make a prompt, full, and frank disclosure of said person's interest, to the Board or committee, prior to any action on such contract or transaction. Such disclosure shall include any relevant or material facts known to such person about the contract or transaction that reasonably might be construed to be adverse to FCAB's interest. The Board or committee to which such disclosure is made shall thereupon determine, by majority vote, whether the disclosure shows that a conflict of interest exists, or can reasonably be construed to exist. If a conflict is deemed to exist, such person shall not vote on, or use personal influence on, or participate (other than to present factual information, or to respond to questions) in the discussions and deliberations with respect to such contract or transactions. Such person may be counted in determining the existence of a quorum at any meeting where the contract or transaction is under discussion, or is being voted upon. The minutes of the meeting shall reflect the disclosure made, the vote thereon and, where applicable, the abstention from voting and participation and, if conducted in committee, whether a quorum was present. Votes taken in committee as recorded in the minutes of the meeting shall be distributed to FCAB, as a whole, forthwith, for further deliberation and action.

9.2. Definition: Material Financial Interest. For purposes of this section, a person shall be deemed to have a "material financial interest" in a contract or other transaction if such person is a member of FCAB and the party, or one of the parties, contracting, or dealing with FCAB, is a director, trustee, or officer of, or has a significant financial or influential interest in the entity contracting with FCAB.

9.3. Good Faith Standard. FCAB members, and any volunteers, shall exercise the utmost good faith in all transactions touching upon their duties with FCAB and its operation. In their dealings with and on behalf of FCAB, they shall be held to a strict rule of honest and fair dealing. All acts of said persons shall be in the best interests of FCAB. They shall not use their Board positions, or knowledge gained therefrom, so that a conflict might arise between the interest of the Board and that of the individual. Any new member or volunteer shall be informed of this policy, prior to or concurrent with his or her assumption of responsibilities.



10.1. Meaning of Words. Unless the context otherwise requires, all words in this instrument used in the singular shall include the plural, and vice versa; words in any gender shall include all genders; and the article headings immediately following each numbered article are for easy reference only, and no effect is to be given to said article headings. The words "FCAB" and "Board", unless the context otherwise requires, refers to the Felmers 0. Chaney Advocacy Board.


Approved: May 26, 2004

Revised: May 21, 2008

Revised: July 20, 2005

Revised : May 16, 2007

Revised: June 2, 2007

Revised: March 18, 2009

Revised: June 24, 2011

Revised: September 25, 2012

Revised: April 30, 2015

Revised: June 29, 2015




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